Hurricane Safety

Hurricane Safety

Hurricane Safety at Aden Senior Living

Ormond Beach, Florida, like much of the state, is susceptible to hurricanes during the Atlantic hurricane season, which spans from June through November. At Aden Senior Living, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our residents and staff by maintaining comprehensive hurricane preparedness and emergency management plans designed to mitigate the risks associated with Florida’s hurricane-prone environment.

Our top priority during a hurricane is to ensure the safety and comfort of everyone in our community. Our Hurricane Preparedness Plan is based on guidelines from the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) and includes additional precautionary measures developed from our extensive experience in hurricane safety.

Sheltering in Place at Aden

Aden Senior Living is constructed to meet Florida’s strict building codes, designed to withstand high winds and potential flooding. Our facility is equipped to safely shelter residents in place during a hurricane.

In the event of a power outage, our team is prepared to continue providing uninterrupted care and services, ensuring that residents can safely remain sheltered in place. Florida law mandates that assisted living facilities have backup power generators to maintain essential services, including lighting and air conditioning. At Aden, our generators go beyond these requirements, with additional capacity to support cooking, heating, and elevator operations. We also maintain a one-week supply of food and water for each resident, ensuring their needs are met even if supply deliveries are delayed.

Communication During a Hurricane

We understand how important it is to keep families informed during a hurricane. Aden Senior Living is committed to providing regular updates and communication to alleviate any concerns. Throughout the storm, we post hurricane-related updates on our website and social media channels, keeping families informed as the situation develops.

Upon move-in, we ask primary family contacts to opt into our messaging service, which provides timely updates during emergencies. Our automated messaging service allows families to receive important information via text, email, or phone call, ensuring that they are always connected with their loved ones and our community.

Short-Term Stays for Safety

For many, Aden Senior Living offers a safer alternative to staying at home during a storm. Our community features reinforced roof structures and expanded generator capacity, providing greater peace of mind. We offer respite stays for those who may benefit from our enhanced safety features and 24-hour staffing during a storm. A short-term stay at Aden can provide the necessary supplies, care, and security for older adults who are unable or unwilling to travel.

For more information about hurricane safety and preparedness at Aden Senior Living, please contact our community.